Seminar: Options for the Political Phase of the Global Stocktake

This English-language online seminar on 09 March 2023 at 2 pm (CET) will lay out options how the process and structure of the political phase of the Global Stocktake at UNFCCC COP28 can be organized to facilitate ambitious climate action. The discussion paper „Options for the political phase of the Global Stocktake” will be presented and views from eminent panel members shared.

The first Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement will be concluded in 2023 with its political phase. This so-called consideration of outputs component will take place during the COP28 climate change conference in November and December 2023. Researchers have developed various approaches to this political phase, laid out in the discussion paper “Options for the political phase of the Global Stocktake”.

The aim of this online seminar is to discuss options for how to structure the process and its outputs for an ambitious Global Stocktake at COP28.

The online seminar is part of the project "Support for the first Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement" implemented by Oeko-Institut, NewClimate Institute, Wuppertal Institute and DLR Projektträger, and commissioned by the German Environment Agency.



Discussion Paper „Options for the political phase of the Global Stocktake”

Further information about the project “Support for the first Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement"

Mehr Informationen zum Projekt "Begleitung der ersten Globalen Bestandsaufnahme zum Klimaschutz"

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