The International Seabed Authority’s Regional Environmental Management Plans (REMPs) for the Area are intended to ensure that the environmental effects of deep seabed mining activities are effectively managed pursuant to UNCLOS Article 145 and in conformity with the common heritage of mankind status of the Area.
The Workshop was hosted by Germany (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety; German Environment Agency – supported by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies), in cooperation with the Netherlands and the Pew Charitable Trusts. A discussion paper, based on a scientific background report commissioned by the German Environment Agency, was provided a background for the Workshop. Moreover, an initial working document to serve as a possible template for the standardised approach (the draft ‘REMP template’) was made available and discussed during the Workshop.
See here the Agenda.
See here the report of the workshop.
The Council has mandated the Legal and Technical Commission (LTC) to develop a standardized approach based on inter alia the two submissions on its 26th session . The Council will need to discuss and adopt these suggestions by the LTC.