No.: 3/2020Newsletter "UBA aktuell"

Dear Reader, 

The coronavirus raises a lot of questions. In this issue of our newsletter, we have compiled some interesting scientific findings and everyday advice from our field of expertise. Other important topics: What precautions should be taken by DIYers in buildings containing asbestos? The employment numbers in environmental protection sector in Germany. And the specific CO2 emission factor of Germany's electricity mix.

Wishing you an interesting read. 

The Press Office of the German Environment Agency 

Advice and infomation about the coronavirus

a virus in a close-up foto
The novel coronavirus
Source: Getty Images / Radoslav Zilinsky

Like many other organisations, the German Environment Agency is investigating the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. There are a number of different aspects to consider: 

The possible means by which the virus is transmitted: Can SARS-CoV-2 be transmitted via tap water or water from swimming pools and bathing lakes? Fortunately, we can largely dispel this theory based on the evidence currently available to us: transmission is highly unlikely. In the case of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the situation is more complex: here it depends on type, operating method and maintenance. 

The impact of environmental pollution on COVID-19 infections: Polluted air certainly appears to play a role in COVID-19. As particulate matter and nitrogen oxide can cause or contribute to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, this could mean that people in areas with high levels of air pollution are at an increased risk of a possible SARS-CoV-2 infection taking a severe course. 

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the environment: In Germany, as in virtually every other country of the world, there is currently less air travel, car travel and manufacturing as a result of the pandemic. Naturally, this is leading to lower levels of greenhouse gases, air pollutants and noise. However, at best, this will only have a short-term effect on the environment and health. Long-term improvements beyond the end of the crisis can only be achieved by means of a targeted climate and environment policy. 

Concrete advice for everyday life: The more time spent at home, the greater the importance of a healthy indoor air climate. Adequate ventilation and home cleanliness are important – cleaning with disinfectants, on the other hand, can even be harmful to humans and the environment. 

Detailed advice and information can be found under the following links. 

Consumer tips

hellgraue Wellplatten aus Asbestzement

Asbestos in buildings still a problem

Several million buildings in Germany built or refurbished before October 1993 may still contain asbestos today. A new guideline offers advice, especially to non-specialists, on what to consider when planning renovation and DIY work. read more

Zwei Smartphones auf lila-farbenem Hintergrund. Aufschrift: Wie gut ist die Luft, die sie atmen?

German Environment Agency enhances its air quality app

The "Luftqualität" air quality app by the German Environment Agency now also features ozone forecasts. The app can display expected ozone levels for the current and two following days. An automatic alert can be activated to notify the user if high levels of ozone are expected within the next 24 hours. read more


Under the heading Zeilengrün (Green Line), the German Environment Agency in cooperation with the online magazine is launching a nationwide writing competition for adolescents and young adults. The search is on for short stories or essays from budding authors between the ages of 12 and 26. read more (in German)

UBA Positions

Ever increasing household energy consumption calls for political action

The energy consumption of German households is on the rise – despite appliances becoming increasingly efficient. This is due to the increase in the quantity and size of appliances being purchased as well as the increase in per capita living space. It is imperative that policy makers help citizens adapt their behaviour and save energy by means of financial incentives, increased guidance and energy-saving obligations. read more (in German) 

Giving water bodies more space

Less than ten per cent of German rivers and streams are in a good ecological condition. In order to fully achieve the goal set out in the Water Framework Directive, the German Advisory Council on the Environment (Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen – SRU) recommends in its Environment Report 2020 that water bodies be given more space as a prerequisite for a good ecological condition. The UBA supports this recommendation. read more (in German) 

Science and research

Drought in Germany - Questions and Answers

April 2020 was far too dry. Due to the fact that there was far too little rainfall in Germany in 2018 and 2019 and that this was only partially offset in the winter months, many parts of the country are experiencing an extreme drought even in the deeper soil layers. What does this mean for vegetation, groundwater and agriculture? Is it a sign of climate change? And how can we adapt? read more (in German) 

Continued high volume of litter in the environment

The thoughtless disposal of waste in public spaces, otherwise known as “littering”, is a global phenomenon that has significant ecological, aesthetic and economic consequences. As part of a study commissioned by the UBA, data about the type, volume and sites of litter were collected and possible strategies for reducing the incidence of littering were examined. read more (in German) 

Tackling climate protection and the energy transition in a socially responsible way

Climate protection and the energy transition can only succeed if tackled in a socially responsible way that meets with broad acceptance. A UBA study illustrates how this can be achieved. By way of example, the energy-related modernisation of residential buildings in accordance with socially responsible principles and the promotion of more energy-efficient household appliances can help to ensure that energy costs for low-income households stay within reasonable limits. read more (in German) 

LNG trucks deliver virtually no climate benefit

Trucks that run on liquefied natural gas deliver only a very limited climate benefit compared with diesel trucks. This is the conclusion drawn by a study commissioned by the German Environment Agency. The study involved assessing the climate impact during service life, while also taking fuel supply into account. Given the findings, it is hard to justify road toll exemptions for LNG trucks on climate protection grounds. read more (in German) 

Selecting the right equipment can reduce environmental damage caused by insecticides

When trying to combat the oak processionary moth, it is not always possible to avoid using insecticides. If caterpillars and nests cannot be removed with the help of vacuum equipment, insecticides are applied to affected oak trees using spray cannons, for example. During this process, insecticides are also blown into the surrounding area and can harm other insects. A UBA study has examined how risks for the environment can be reduced by selecting the right equipment. read more (in German) 

Transformation: success factors for social change

If we want to successfully overcome pressing ecological and social challenges, it is not enough to simply ask: “What needs changing?” It is equally important to establish how we can actually bring about the necessary changes. Therefore the focus is now on the success factors for social change and how they can be applied for achieving successful change processes. read more (in German) 

Economy and Environment

worker installing a thermal insulation on a facade of a building

Employment numbers in environmental protection sector rising steadily

Some 2.8 million people in Germany were employed in the environmental protection sector in 2017, says a recent report by the German Environment Agency (UBA). The importance of environmental protection for the labour market has continued to grow in recent years. In 2010, 5.9 percent of the labour force was employed in the environmental protection sector, rising to 6.4 percent in 2017 . read more

overhead electicity line and wind power plants

CO2 emissions per kilowatt hour of electricity in further decline in 2019

The specific CO2 emission factor of Germany's electricity mix continues to be on the decline, say the latest calculations done by the German Environment Agency (UBA) for 2019. The main relevant factors which contributed to this were increased electricity generated from renewables and less from coal firing as well as prices in emissions trading. read more

paint buckets, paint brush and paint roller

Promoting green products and services: how it works

Increasing numbers of customers are paying attention to products’ environmental compatibility. How can and should businesses draw attention to the environmental benefits of their products? When can a product be described as "water-saving” or “recyclable”, for instance? read more

UBA publishes guidelines on the circular economy

Sustainable development is hard to imagine without a strict circular economy. Abandoning a predominantly linear economic approach calls for strategic measures. The UBA has drawn up guidelines for policy makers, businesses and society as a whole, systematically setting out the objectives, scope, principles, requirements and success factors relevant to a circular economy. read more (in German)

Using products for longer

Many products are being used for an ever shorter period of time. This has a negative impact on the environment and the climate because energy and resources are required to produce new goods. Moreover, it generates waste, only a small proportion of which is recycled. A UBA background paper shows how longer product use can be achieved and what potential benefits are offered by recycling, inter alia for the employment market. read more (in German) 

Climate change affects the safety of technical plants

Natural hazards such as heavy rainfall, floods, winter storms or lightning can cause malfunctions. Climate change can alter the intensity, frequency and geographical distribution of such hazards. Risk management procedures have to be adjusted accordingly by operators of plants in which large volumes of hazardous substances are used and by the authorities responsible. read more (in German) 

Environment at municipal level

auf einem Gehweg steht vor einer grünen Hecke eine braune Mülltonne, auf der "Bioabfälle" steht und aus der Gartenabfälle herausgucken

National alliance champions more use of the bio-bin

May 11 2020 marks the launch of this year's "Biowaste Bin Campaign” (Aktion Biotonne Deutschland). The initiative supports municipalities in providing waste disposal advice at local level. Private households in Germany are to improve the separate collection of biowaste for energy recovery or use as fertiliser. read more

The EMW 2020 is taking place! Registration now possible

In the light of the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people have been anxious to know whether the European Mobility Week (EMW) would be taking place this year and, if so, what it would be like. Another question on people’s lips was when local authorities would be able to register. The event has now been given the go-ahead and the first local authority to register for Germany is Lilienthal from Lower Saxony. read more (in German)

Online survey about heat, health and climate change

Heatwaves are linked to significant health risks. This is evident from the heatwaves experienced during the summer months in recent years. How well prepared is Germany for heatwaves? What measures have already been implemented or are still at the planning stage at regional, district and local level? UBA survey launched on the subject of heat and health. read more (in German) 

Law and Legislation


Member States launch call for evidence on broad PFAS restriction

The national authorities of Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Denmark agreed to prepare a REACH restriction proposal with the aim to restrict the manufacture, the placing on the market and the use of all per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the EU. Companies, scientists and NGOs are invited to fill in the questionnaire, before 31 July 2020, to generate further information. read more

Submission of comments on the proposed restriction of PFHxA

Germany has submitted a proposal for restricting the manufacture, marketing, import and use of perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA). The proposal also applies to PFHxA salts and substances that can be degraded to PFHxA (= precursor substances). The closing date for comments on the proposal is 25 September 2020. read more (in German) 

Oak processionary moth: answers to frequently asked questions

The oak processionary moth is a species native to Germany. Its caterpillars can pose a danger from both a human health and a forestry perspective. When is it appropriate to tackle the problem with pesticides or biocides? What legal provisions need to be considered? And what environmentally friendly alternatives are available? read more (in German)

UBA and BMU play an active role in numerous environment-related standardisation committees

The work carried out by the UBA in DIN, CEN and ISO standardisation committees and funded in part by the BMU has been the subject of a study. The findings confirm that the BMU and UBA are actively involved in the most relevant committees handling environmental issues. According to the conclusions drawn by the study, climate change, digitalisation and European regulations will play a more significant role in environment-related standardisation in future. read more (in German) 

UBA News

Project funding for associations: submit your application now for 2021

Environmental protection and nature conservation associations can apply for project funding for 2021; the closing date is 31 July 2020. read more (in German) 

Recently puplished

Thumbnail Avation

What Matters 2-2019: Aviation

Each issue of the Agency's "What Matters" magazine is devoted to relevant topics in the field of environmental protection. It is published every six months. In its 2-2019 issue, UBA takes a look at air traffic: What effects does flying have on the environment? How do noise and pollutant emissions affect human health? And what solutions has UBA developed to make flying more environmentally more

brochure / flyer
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Cover of publication TEXTE 57/2020 Bundesrepublik 3.0

Bundesrepublik 3.0

A contribution to the development and strengthening of parliamentary-representative democracy through greater participation at federal level

The study Federal Republic of Germany 3.0 contributes to stimulate the representative democ- racy in Germany by designing an innovative concept for participation on a national level. The concept emerged from a generative design process with experts from the background of design- ing and facilitating public participation processes as well as from theoretical political sciences and more

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Cover of flyer Climate change and health

Climate change and health: Tips on coping with hot weather and heat waves

Long-lasting periods of extreme heat - so-called heat waves - have been occurring in unusual frequency in Europe and Germany for about 30 years. The resulting health problems can be considerable, sometimes life-threatening. The summer 2018 was the second hottest since climate records started in 1881. The hottest ever summer was in 2003, which claimed over 40,000 lives in several countries in more

flyers and leaflets
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Titelblatt Texte 2020 67

Consideration of methane emissions in the modelling of ozone concentrations in chemical transport models

Methan ist ein besonders wirksames Treibhausgas sowie ein Vorläufer von bodennahem Ozon, einem Schadstoff, der die menschliche Gesundheit und Ökosysteme belastet. Die Methankonzentrationen sind derzeit etwa dreimal höher als in vorindustriellen Zeiten und steigen weiter an. Aufgrund der relativ langen Lebensdauer von Ozon in der Troposphäre müssen Chemie-Transport-Modelle Informationen über more

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Year of publication
Cover of publication TEXTE 59/2020 Employing trend analysis in environmental research and policy – a methods report

Employing trend analysis in environmental research and policy – a methods report

This report outlines for environmental policy how the research method “trend analysis” can support the analysis of new developments which have possibly an impact on the environment. Currently, there is no consistent research method with which to analyze social, technological, economic or political trends that have no obvious connection to the environment, and to systemically identify and more

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Cover of broschure Energy management systems in practice

Energy management systems in practice

From energy auditing to an ISO 50001 management system: Guide for companies and organizations

By 2050, the European Union aims to become climate neutral. The achievement of this goal will require, among others, a massive boost in energy efficiency. Companies and other organizations can make a significant contribution to climate protection through systematic and long-term energy management. Since its publication in 2011, ISO 50001 became the most important international standard for more

brochure / flyer
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Guide on Green Public Procurement of Software (2020)

Software plays an important role in determining the environmental impact of ICT products. It has a measurable impact on computer-hardware energy consumption and increasing requirements can make it necessary to replace computer hardware prematurely – a phenomenon known as software obsolescence. This Guide on Green Public Procurement of Software presents a set of criteria and proposes methods more

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Cover of broschure International paths for more resource efficiency

International paths for more resource efficiency

Policies and trends in selected countries

The brochure describes ways to increase resource efficiency and presents approaches to policies and trends in nine countries. The summary is based on the results of the research project "Monitoring international resource policy", which was carried out between 2016 and 2019 under the direction of the ifeu - Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg GmbH on behalf of the German more

brochure / flyer
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Year of publication
Cover of publication TEXTE 61/2020 Natech Risk Management: Contributions to the UN/OECD Natech Project

Natech Risk Management: Contributions to the UN/OECD Natech Project

This final report summarizes the work results of the activities undertaken to support the UN/OECD Natech (Natural Hazard Triggered Technical Accidents) II project. The report is based on the report submitted to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Working Group on Chemical Accidents (WGCA) before its 28th meeting and the comments received. The contents can be more

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Cover TEXTE 2020 65 Reactive nitrogen flows in Germany 2010-2014

Reactive nitrogen flows in Germany 2010-2014 (DESTINO Report 2)

The introduction of reactive nitrogen into the environment affects the air and groundwater quality, the good condition of land and marine ecosystems, as well as climate and biodiversity. Reducing nitrogen emissions is therefore a key task of environmental policy. The report shows the relevant sources, sinks and flows of the nitrogen cycle in Germany. A total of around 150 flows of ammonia, more

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Cover of publication TEXTE 55/2020 Reduction of drift in spray application/ nebulization of biocides - Derivation of risk reduction measures and device requirements

Reduction of drift in spray application/ nebulization of biocides - Derivation of risk reduction measures and device requirements

The choice of the equipment for the application of biocides can have a big influence on the drift potential and thus on the emission of biocides into the environment. This is especially true for spray applications. The goal of the study was to evaluate the drift potential to discuss possible regulations or recommendations on the equipment for the application of biocides. derive exposure values more

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As recounted


In 2019, greenhouse gas emissions in Germany were down by around 6.3 per cent compared with 2018. This is the preliminary greenhouse gas balance drawn up by the German Environment Agency. The positive trend therefore continued throughout 2019. With the exception of the global crisis year of 2009, the reduction seen in 2019 is the biggest annual decline since 1990. The most significant progress was made in the energy sector. In the building and transport sectors, on the other hand, increased greenhouse gas emissions were recorded.



Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
Präsidialbereich / Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Internet; Pressesprecher
Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
Phone: +49(0) 340 2103-2416
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Corinne Meunier

Six times a year our Newsletter „UBA aktuell“ provides information about the latest activities and work of the German Environment Agency (UBA).

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