The state and its administration have an important role to play in protecting the climate. That is why many public authorities have set themselves the goal of becoming greenhouse gas-neutral. The guide describes the path to a greenhouse gas-neutral administration with the help of nine stages, gives recommendations and makes implementation on site easier with many practical examples. read more
Green public procurement:

What does green public procurement mean?
Green public procurement …
… helps to protect climate and environment
Eco-friendly products help to protect the climate and reduce natural resource use, contain a lesser amount of harmful substances, and engender a lower level of environmentally harmful emissions. The greatest contribution to climate protection is achieved when products are used as long as possible. Notebook computers and smartphones that have the Blue Angel Ecolabel meet the requirements for a long service life. In that they can readily be repaired and their rechargeable batteries are replaceable.
… pays off
For example, the use of city buses with low fuel consumption or energy-efficient equipment results in lower costs. The amount of such cost savings can be readily determined during the tender evaluation process by simply factoring in life cycle costs. Durable products also help cut back on public expenditures.
… is better for health
For example, low emission floor coverings reduce the levels of harmful substances in indoor air. Low-noise printers and computers are also good for users’ health.
… sets a good example
By making environmental protection one of the pillars of their procurement policies, government can lead the way. Setting such examples can potentially prompt both companies and consumers to opt for green alternatives.
… is a driver of ecological innovation
Environmentally friendly procurement helps to launch environmentally friendly products and services on the market. These are often new products and services that make an important contribution to the ecological modernization of the economy and create markets and jobs for the future.
Promoting green products and services: how it works
Increasing numbers of customers are paying attention to products’ environmental compatibility. How can and should businesses draw attention to the environmental benefits of their products? When can a product be described as "water-saving” or “recyclable”, for instance? read more
Working to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality at the German Environment Agency
Whether it is the construction of plus-energy buildings, cutting the numbers in the vehicle fleet, more electric mobility, less meat served at the office canteen, or procurement of supplies that bear the Blue Angel ecolabel, UBA aims to show how public authorities can take action for the sake of the climate. read more
Blue Angel: New requirements for mobile phones and textiles
The catalogues of criteria of the Blue Angel for textiles and mobile phones has been overhauled and approved by the Environmental Label Jury. Changes include details and additional requirements of the working conditions at the manufacturing site. Manufacturers may now apply for the ecolabel on their products. read more