Climate Impacts and Adaptation

Frau steht mit Regenjacke und Gummistiefeln in einem überschwemmten Gebiet
© Jürgen Fälchle /

Debates sometimes give the impression that climate change is still a problem of the future and hardly has any effects in Germany. Yet far-reaching climate changes are already noticeable today - even in this country. In the future, climate change and its impacts will increase even more. For that reason it is extremely important to adapt in a timely and efficient manner.

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Are you interested in news regarding climate adaption and the consequences of climate change? Whether it is a new publication, research result or event: here you can find all current topics. Furthermore, stay up-to-date with our KomPass newsletter. read more

Cities with high levels of soil sealing are especially vulnerable to more frequent and intense heavy rainfalls

Impacts of climate change

Climate change alters the world which we live in - with manifold effects on nature, society and economy and our everyday lives. These effects are referred to as climate (change) impacts. Those impacts are visible today in the form of melting glaciers, changes in the behaviour of migratory birds or an early spring. read more

Sandsäcke wurden vor einer Haustür aufgestapelt, um das Haus vor Hochwasser zu schützen

Adaption to climate change

The climate change is noticeable in Germany, too. Extreme weather events such as heat waves or heavy precipitation have become more frequent and severe. The hot and extremely dry summer of 2018 is just one of many examples. This trend is bound to increase in the future. Climate change adaptation enables to deal with climate change impacts and benefit from its potential opportunities. read more

Detailansicht eines Kompass

Competence center KomPass

„KomPass - Climate Impacts and Adaptation in Germany“ has set itself the task to promote climate change adaptation in Germany and Europe. It points out sustainable approaches and gives an impetus to the development of a society and environment that is adapted to climate change. read more

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