Competence center KomPass

KomPass - Climate Impacts and Adaptation in Germany
One of the main tasks of KomPass is to develop the German Adaptation Strategy (DAS) and promote its implementation. In the progress report on the DAS (2015) and the Second Progress Report on the DAS (2020) concrete steps and measures were defined. For that purpose, KomPass pools and imparts expertise on climate impacts and potential adaptation measures. Its target groups are authorities, scientists, industrial and environmental associations, companies and citizens.
The implementation and development of the German Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation (DAS) is supported by the following measures:
- Policy advice
Much of the work concentrates on the development of the German Adaptation Strategy. Several projects are specifically structured so as to establish new knowledge bases for the continuation of the DAS and design the European adaptation strategy or implement it nationally. Apart from that, an indicator-based monitoring of climate adaptation is developed up to make achievements and required action measurable and cross-regionally and -sectorally comparable.
- Environmental research
KomPass establishes and promotes research projects on climate risks and adaptation for a viable and climate-resilient Germany. The vulnerability of sectors and regions are evaluated, risks and opportunities are identified and requirements for action are derived on the basis of internal and external research findings. This supports the risk provision of decision-makers and the development of adaptation measures. KomPass evaluates the costs and benefits of measures and examines limits and pre-conditions for successful adaptation measures. Thus, the Centre contributes to the optimisation of existing adaptation instruments and the development of new instruments.
- Provision of information
KomPass compiles the latest research findings and uses them to develop target group-specific information products. The majority can be found on this website. The “tatenbank” , Projects and Studies, a "monitoring report" and the "climate navigator" constitute further useful tools for successful climate change adaptation.
- Networking and participation
Through workshops and conferences, organised expert dialogues and cooperation exchanges on climate adaptation, KomPass promotes the cooperation and networking among stakeholders responsible for adaptation. It participates in national committees such as the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) as well as international bodies like the OECD and IPCC. In order to take the interests of all stakeholders involved in the strategy development and implementation into account, KomPass ensures a broad participation of stakeholders and social groups by organising, for example, online consultations or stakeholder dialogues.