KLARIS – Needs and Opportunities for Climate Resilient and Sustainable Design of National and Cross-Border Infrastructure

Within the framework of the European adaptation strategy and the further development of the German adaptation strategy (DAS) the resilience of infrastructure is given increasingly priority. Important reasons for this are the high vulnerability of infrastructure especially through climate extreme events, their central supply functions for the economy and society as well as long planning periods and lifetimes which requires to consider long-term changes in the planning processes as well. In addition to how infrastructures could be made more resilient to climate change, the question of sustainable infrastructures and their services in a emission neutral, resource efficient society must be posed as well.
No climate scenario developed
extreme weather events
The project aims to demonstrate how today's infrastructures are linked and what vulnerabilities exist, how future infrastructure will probably be designed under the conditions of climate change and how they should be designed concerning the guiding principle of resilience and sustainability.
With respect to future national vulnerability analyzes, the project will investigate which socio-economic systems (here infrastructures) could be affected by the climate change in the future.
The research project aims to prepare and systematize the current state of knowledge about the dynamics of development, guiding principles and interactions of infrastructure and possible design options and necessities. Thus, a system model will be developed and vulnerabilities and needs be identified. Regarding the requirements for resilient and sustainable infrastructures a synthesis of knowledge will be developed. This preliminary work will be brought together in scenarios of resilient and sustainable infrastructures.
German Environment Agency (UBA)
German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu), Berlin
Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW);
Institut für Raumordnung und Entwicklungsplanung, Universität Stuttgart;
Institute for Environment and Human Security der United Nations University, Bonn
DIFU - Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik gGmbH
Zimmerstraße 13-15
10969 Berlin