Regulations on the use of biocides must become more specific and more binding. The risks of these substances, which are contained in products such as wood preservatives and insect repellents, were underestimated for a long time. read more
Regulations on biocides still patchy
Estimating chemical release: still further improvement needed
Under the European Chemicals legislation REACH the release of a substance into the environment is estimated on the basis of emission factors. read more
Restricted limit values for PAH in consumer goods
The EU Commission has adopted an addendum to the REACH Regulation which establishes limit values for eight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). read more
Pharmaceutical residues can affect soil organisms
How pharmaceutical residues from sludge and slurry accumulate in the soil and what effect does this have demonstrated a workshop, the UBA held on 18 and 19 June 2013. read more
Hazardous substances in construction products: ‘Package insert"
Starting now, it is easier to find out whether, say, a PVC covering or a sealant contains so-called ‘substances of very high concern’ as defined by the EU REACH Regulation. read more
Environmentally harmful chemical to be banned from outdoor gear
As the UBA had proposed, nine chemicals have been added to list of Substances of Very High Concern in accordance with the European Chemicals Regulation (REACH) read more