The AskREACH project has hosted a number of events for companies and industry associations regarding substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in their products. The latest web conference - "Compliance digital - Simplified corporate communication on SVHCs in articles"- took place on 7 September 2022.
During the events, the LIFE AskREACH partners explained how companies can improve their communications along the supply chain about SVHCs in articles and fulfil their legal duty to inform consumers on request. A presentation by the German Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAUA) specified the obligations of article suppliers according to the European chemicals regulation REACH to provide information on SVHCs.
At all web conferences, similar information was provided. The IT tools developed by LIFE AskREACH such as the Scan4Chem app and the AskREACH database were presented. In addition, participants gained insights into the consumer and company campaigns to promote implementation of the IT tools and to raise awareness about the topic. While the first event in 2019 focused mainly on collecting information from companies for the further development of the IT tools, the subsequent conferences were aiming to provide information, answer questions and facilitate discussions.
The recording and presentations of the event on 7 September 2022 are available for download on this website. A documentation of the latest German Compliance Digital web conference can be found here.
Source: Umweltbundesamt
Video-recording web conference "Compliance Digital September 2022"
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