No.: 2/2024Newsletter "UBA aktuell"

Welcome to the new issue of “UBA aktuell”

in which we look back with you on 50 years of the German Environment Agency and our work for people and the environment. You are warmly invited to join us on a journey through time! This newsletter also includes the latest figures on Germany's greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 and the new CO₂ border adjustment mechanism CBAM to create fair international competitive conditions for energy-intensive EU products.

We hope you find it an interesting read,

The Press Office of the German Environment Agency

50 years of the German Environment Agency: Join us on a journey through time!

50 years of Umweltbundesamt 1974-2024
The UBA will be 50 years old in 2024.
Source: UBA

In July 1974, the German Environment Agency (UBA) became the first German environmental authority at federal level. What has been achieved for people and the environment since then? Join us on a journey through time in this Golden Anniversary – virtually or in person on 15 June 2024 at our headquarters in Dessau-Roßlau!

In the 1970s, the time had finally come: Environmental protection becomes an independent policy area in the Federal Republic of Germany under Chancellor Willy Brandt's social-liberal coalition and the German Environment Agency begins its work in West Berlin in 1974. In the same year, a cornerstone of German environmental protection comes into force: The Federal Immission Control Act immediately protects against noise, poor air quality, vibrations and radiation. In 1978, another “old acquaintance” appears on the scene; the "Blue Angel" is awarded to particularly environmentally friendly products – in the 1970s and 80s, for example, awarded to hairspray cans without CFCs, until these were banned as a propellant for spray cans in Germany in 1991 when the CFC-Halon Ban Ordinance came into force in the fight against the “hole in the ozone layer”.

Whether it was CFCs, leaded petrol, phosphate-containing detergents or the obligation to use catalytic converters for cars, Many environmental protection issues were "tough nuts to crack”. As early as 1978, for example, the UBA warned of the health risks posed by asbestos. It is not until 1993 – 15 years later – that the substance is finally banned completely in Germany. “Acid rain” and the forest dieback it caused also preoccupies the Federal Republic of Germany from the early 1980s. When the Large Combustion Plant Ordinance comes into force in 1983, emissions of sulphur dioxide in West Germany are reduced by 89 per cent within 10 years.

The year 1990 is also a turning point for the UBA. In the course of German reunification in this year, UBA is reinforced by around 200 employees from East German environmental agencies and from then on works in and for the whole of Germany. In 2005, following a decision by the Federal Government to locate more authorities in the "new federal states", it relocates its headquarters to Saxony-Anhalt. With its new ecological building in Dessau, among other things, the UBA sets a good example in environmental protection. In 2001, it becomes the first authority in Germany to be awarded the European EMAS seal of approval for its in-house environmental management.

Whether it is the fight against the hole in the ozone layer or against forest dieback caused by acid rain – many successes show that environmental protection works! But where one challenge is mastered, a new one arises. Today, forests and our health in Germany are threatened by climate change. A danger that can only be countered with global co-operation. The German Environment Agency has been warning, researching and working on this topic since the 1970s and continues to do so today and into the future, for people and the environment!

Climate / Energy

Wind turbines between agricultural land and a solar park

Renewable energies continue to pick up speed in 2023

The total share of renewable energies in energy consumption (electricity, heat and transport) rose to 22 per cent in Germany in 2023. In 2022, this share was at 20.8 per cent. This positive development was the result of a growth of renewables in the electricity and heat sector while overall energy demand declined. read more

A photovoltaic system is installed on the roof of a warehouse

How to improve the International Standard on carbon neutrality

The International Organization for Standardizations (ISO) last year published the first standard on carbon neutrality of organizations and products. In a new factsheet, the German Environment Agency (UBA) outlines its strength and shortcomings and draws some conclusions relevant to companies, verifiers, courts and policymakers. read more

Cover of Factsheet "Nitrous oxide - the underestimated greenhouse gas"

Nitrous oxide - the underestimated greenhouse gas

Anthropogenic N₂O emissions are increasing – As a result of climate change, additional nitrous oxide is being released from natural sources

This fact sheet summarizes the results and content of the status report from the project “Meta-analysis - Global nitrous oxide/N₂O-sources: Inventories, trends, consideration in IPCC scenarios”. The properties of nitrous oxide (N₂O) as a greenhouse gas with an impact on the climate and the different methods for accounting of nitrous oxide sources and sinks will be briefly described. more

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Bild aus _Reflecting_GST_mitigation_efforts_in_NDCs final

Reflecting the Global Stocktake mitigation efforts in NDCs

Discussion Paper

This discussion paper provides an overview how Parties could reflect explicitly in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) their contribution to the global efforts on mitigation that they agreed to during the Global Stocktake (GST) at UNFCCC COP28. A table provides an overview of measures that directly relate to the global efforts agreed in the Global Stocktake on mitigation and also more

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Climate adaptation: Skilled workers as a key to success

Specialists with the relevant knowledge, skills and competences are needed to implement climate adaptation measures. In view of the prevailing shortage of skilled labour, it is essential to identify these skilled workers in good time. A lack of knowledge and skills shortages in the affected sectors and their companies could jeopardise the implementation of climate adaptation measures. read more (in German)

How heat pumps work more efficiently in existing buildings

Heat pumps can also work efficiently in existing buildings that are not optimally insulated. A UBA study shows which measures are necessary for this, such as larger radiators, a more efficient heat pump or the use of the ground instead of ambient air as a heat source. If heat pumps are operated particularly efficiently, this also reduces the burden on the German electricity system. read more (in German)

How climate protection and monument protection can benefit from each other

Protected historic buildings can also make a relevant contribution to climate protection. A new study analyses areas of conflict, identifies relevant fields of action and discusses possible solutions to better combine historic monument protection and climate protection. The political goals and regulations on climate protection and historic monument conservation must be better harmonised at all levels. read more (in German)



Newly constructed basement walls are insulated

NonHazCity 3 Building Award: Policies for non-hazardous buildings

NonHazCity 3 is a European project under the framework of the EU Interreg Program for the Baltic Sea Region. The project aims to reduce hazardous substances in the construction sector and to support circular construction. A NonHazCity Building Award will be given to celebrate the most effective laws and policies for non-hazardous buildings – nominations are welcome! Deadline is the 15th June 2024. read more

Cover of report "Do new generations of active pharmaceuticals for human use require an adaption of the environmental risk assessment?"

Do new generations of active pharmaceuticals for human use require an adaption of the environmental risk assessment? - Part II: Case studies

In view of the advanced development of new specific active pharmaceutical ingredients, the question arises as to whether the established standard procedures for the environmental risk assessment in the context of marketing authorization are still sufficient to adequately cover relevant effects on environmental organisms. The focus of this project is on specific test strategies for substances more

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PFAS restriction: ECHA announces next steps

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has presented the next steps for the scientific evaluation of the restriction proposal for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The evaluation will be staggered according to the use sectors described in the dossier. Next to be assessed are consumer mixtures, cosmetics and ski wax. read more (in German)

Moselle Apollo butterfly: Bringing viticulture and species conservation together

In current authorisation procedures for 16 fungicides for aerial application in vineyards, the UBA has spoken out in favour of restrictions in order to protect a butterfly species threatened with extinction. However, many products have already been authorised without restrictions. The restoration of its habitats is important for the conservation of this butterfly species. The restrictions should help with this in the medium term. read more (in German)

“Biocides in the environment” – New database for environmental monitoring

Antibacterial cleaning agents, wood preservatives, mosquito spray, ant poison; biocidal products are used in many places. These substances are increasingly found in our environment. The new database “Biocides in the Environment” (BiU) compiles data on biocidal active substances in water, soil or living organisms in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and is freely accessible. read more (in German)


A woman rents a scooter via an app

Shaping digitalisation in transport sustainably

Driverless shuttles on the roads, assistance systems in passenger cars and route planning on your phone – these and other current and future developments in the digitalisation of transport, their opportunities and risks, and necessary constraints were analysed in two UBA research projects. The results have now been summarised and published in a brochure. read more

The annual theme for EMW 2024 has been decided: “Shared public space”

In addition to the permanent motto “Mix & Move – climate-friendly mobility”, EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK 2024 will be held under this year's theme “Shared public space”. The annual theme is intended to provide impetus for the design of EMW on the ground and open up new perspectives on sustainable mobility. read more (in German)


Online survey on the environment, noise and society

How important is noise protection in society? What types of behaviour can help to reduce noise? To answer these questions, the Technical University of Berlin is currently conducting an online survey (in German) on behalf of the German Environment Agency. We look forward to your participation! read more (in German)

Economy / Consumption

Cover of report "Third-country carbon pricing under the EU CBAM"

Third-country carbon pricing under the EU CBAM

Approaches for and challenges of recognising domestic payments

In October 2023, the EU introduced a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) imposing a carbon price on imports of selected goods to the EU market. This way, the CBAM complements the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). One question that arises for the implementation of the new instrument is how third-country carbon prices can be recognised and deducted from CBAM payments. The more

Climate Change
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Cover des Berichts "Pathways to a sustainable financial economy"

Pathways to a sustainable financial economy

The sustainability transformation of the financial sector is a key prerequisite for the transformation of the real economy. This report therefore comprises 15 proposals in four central dimensions towards a sustainable financial sector in Germany: transformatitive relevance, transparency on the sustainability of financial products, sustainability risk management, and impact measurement of more

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New Cooling/Air Conditioning Directive promotes climate-friendly systems

Since 1 March 2024, companies can once again apply for funding for stationary cooling and air conditioning systems via the amended Cooling and Air Conditioning Directive. The funding amounts have increased for switching to sustainable, energy-efficient systems with natural refrigerants. In addition to new systems, the efficiency conversion of existing small systems is also eligible for funding. read more (in German)

Waste / Resources

Cover des Berichts "Strengthening the recycling of technical plastics in the view of increasing substance legislation requirements using the example of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs)"

Strengthening the recycling of technical plastics in the view of increasing substance legislation requirements using the example of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) - KUREA

English Summary

Although there is a considerable potential for the recycling of technical plastics from ELV and WEEE in Germany, the status is deficient and targeted measures are needed to develop appropriate capacities. The report provides a comprehensive status quo analysis on the legal framework, material requirements, a description of the most relevant types of plastics as well as interfering and more

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Cover of report "Dialogues on the appropriate management of substances of concern in the circular economy"

Dialogues on the appropriate management of substances of concern in the circular economy

The project "Dialogues on the appropriate management of substances of concern in the circular economy" aimed to develop a common understanding of the challenges at the interface between chemicals and waste legislation among the stakeholders involved. Furthermore, a current status quo was established on the basis of a literature review. Three workshops were organised as part of the project to more

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Cover des Berichts "Research and Monitoring Activities on Litter in Groundwater, Rivers, Lakes, Transitional Waters and Soil"

Research and Monitoring Activities on Litter in Groundwater, Rivers, Lakes, Transitional Waters and Soil

The report is based on the results of a questionnaire on current and planned research and monitoring activities on waste in various environmental compartments, which was distributed to European countries via the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). It analyses current and planned research and monitoring activities as well as reduction strategies in relation to waste in water and soil. The report more

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Proportion of drinks in reusable packaging has fallen slightly

After a slight increase in the proportion of reusable packaging in the beverage sector in the previous year, this fell again in Germany in 2021. In the current reporting year, the legal target of 70 per cent of beverages in reusable packaging is still being missed by a wide margin with the deposit-based beverage segments accounting for just 42.6 per cent. read more (in German)


Combining models: Water balance and pollutant inputs

Despite improvements in the quality of German water bodies, we are facing further challenges. Climate change is having an impact on the water balance. Drought and heavy rainfall have an impact on the input of substances into water bodies. More than ever, co-operation is needed to develop solutions. To this end, UBA and the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) have pooled their expertise in substance input and water balance monitoring. read more (in German)



Components for the Transformation into a Sustainable Food System

The publication summarizes three strategies for transforming the food system that have been outlined in the “STErn project”, namely the promotion of a more plant-based diet, the further development of the organic farming and food industry and the strengthening of regional value chains. Measures to implement these strategies are bundled into three overarching approaches and presented more

brochure / flyer
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Cover of report "Critical Evaluation of Effect Models for the Risk Assessment of Plant Protection Products"

Critical Evaluation of Effect Models for the Risk Assessment of Plant Protection Products

Mechanistic effect models (MEM) have become increasingly popular in the field of environmental risk assessment (ERA) of plant protection products. However there remains numerous open questions to risk assessors, modelers, applicants and the public. This report provides a scientific evaluation of 11 MEM or MEM families. It also critically assesses their relevance for ERA (e.g. as a refinement more

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Promoting socio-ecological innovations in the food system

The current food system in Europe is damaging biodiversity, soil, water and climate. Pioneers of socio-ecological transformation show that it is possible to establish a food system that is sustainable, healthy and environmentally friendly. A UBA association funding project has identified 8 points for policymakers on how to support such pioneers. read more (in German)

Sustainability / Strategies / International matters

keywhole in concrete wall

Greenhouse gas-neutral administrations: Guidelines and programs

In the context of the TES Academy transformation companionship process on “Greenhouse gas-neutral administrations: Empowering professionals from public administrations to become role models of transformation” we organize a Virtual TES series. Two keynote speakers will share their views on a joint topic. Questions of the participants will then be discussed in the second part of the event. read more

Urban plus rural creates added value

Urban and rural areas are closely intertwined. The BMBF funding programme Stadt-Land-Plus (Urban-Rural-Plus) supports projects that research these interdependencies and test how they can be sustainably changed. The DStGB and the UBA, together with the Stadt-Land-Plus joint projects, are publishing a documentation entitled "Stadt und Land wird Plus” (Urban plus rural creates added value). read more (in German)


Connected and smart products

From robot vacuum cleaners to app-controlled heating thermostats, Internet-connected devices offer convenient user functions. However, this usually shortens their service life. We have compiled the most important tips on buying, using and disposing of them to avoid unnecessary electronic waste and costs. read more (in German)

UBA news

Das Bild zeigt die ukrainische Forschungsstipendiatin Dr. Olena Matukhno.

UBA welcomes Ukrainian research fellowship holder

Dr Olena Matukhno began her research work at the German Environment Agency (UBA) on 1 February 2024. Her work focuses on compliance with national climate targets in the Ukrainian iron and steel industry through decarbonisation and emissions trading measures once the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has ended. read more


Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
Präsidialbereich / Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Internet; Pressesprecher
Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
Phone: +49(0) 340 2103-2416
Fax: +49(0) 340 2103-2285

Corinne Meunier

Six times a year our Newsletter „UBA aktuell“ provides information about the latest activities and work of the German Environment Agency (UBA).

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The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment