The report is based on the results of a questionnaire on current and planned research and monitoring activities on waste in various environmental compartments, which was distributed to European countries via the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). It analyses current and planned research and monitoring activities as well as reduction strategies in relation to waste in water and soil. The report highlights the urgent need for comprehensive, standardised monitoring, intensive research and coordinated efforts to better understand and consequently more effectively mitigate the wide-ranging impacts of waste pollution. The annex to the report contains a list and summary of key reports from Member States.
Chemicals, Waste | Resources, Health, Soil | Land, Water
Research and Monitoring Activities on Litter in Groundwater, Rivers, Lakes, Transitional Waters and Soil
Texte | 30/2024
Number of pages
Year of publication
Gregory Fuchs, Eleftheria Kampa
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Project No. (FKZ)
3718 25 210 0
German Environment Agency
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