13.00-14.30h SESSION I.1 Components of the energy supply based on 100% renewable energy resources
Chair: Harry Lehmann, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
"Opportunities for a greenhouse gas neutral energy supply": Klaus Müschen, Katja Purr, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
Opportunities for a greenhouse gas neutral energy supply
"Power to gas – technology and system operation results": Michael Specht, Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW), Germany
Power to gas – technology and system operation results
"Evolution of transmission systems as precondition for decarbonisation of electricity supply": Matthias Müller-Mienack, gridlab GmbH, Germany
Evolution of transmission systems as precondition for decarbonisation of electricity supply
13.00-14.30h SESSION I.2 Industrial process related emissions
Chair: Bettina Rechenberg, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
"Development of low carbon roadmaps for individual industrial sectors": Tom Wyns, Center for Clean Air Policy-Europe (CCAP), Belgium
Development of low carbon roadmaps for individual industrial sectors
"Use of Renewable energies, energy management and energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries such as the German foundry industry": Manuel Bosse, Institute of Casting Technology (IfG), Germany
"Emission Reductions in the Cement Sector – Progress to date and implications for policy": Karsten Neuhoff, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Germany
15.00-16.30h SESSION I.3 Components of the energy supply based on 100% renewable energy resources (Fortsetzung SESSION I.1)
Chair: Klaus Müschen, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
"Different approaches to a 100 % RE-based electricity supply (archetypical scenarios)": Mark Nowakowski, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
Different approaches to a 100 % RE-based electricity supply (archetypical scenarios)
"Tapping energy efficiency as a first step in Europe's low-carbon energy transition": Renée Bruel, European Climate Foundation, The Netherlands
Tapping energy efficiency as a first step in Europe's low-carbon energy transition
"Building sector renovation tracks for Europe up to 2050": Kjell Bettgenhäuser, Ecofys Germany, Germany
Building sector renovation tracks for Europe up to 2050
15.00-16.30h SESSION I.4 Waste & Resources
Chair: Marlene Sieck, Federal Environment Agency, Germany
"GHG mitigation potential in the waste management sector in EU27, in the OECD countries and developing countries", Regine Vogt, Ifeu GmbH, Germany
GHG mitigation potential in the waste management sector in EU27, in the OECD countries and developing countries
"Climate and clean air coalition – ways to reduce short lived climate forcers", Christian Müller, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
Climate and clean air coalition – ways to reduce short lived climate forcers
"Role and potentials of CDM, sectoral approaches and NAMAs in the waste management": Bernhard Schenk, KfW Entwicklungsbank, Germany
Role and potentials of CDM, sectoral approaches and NAMAs in the waste management
17.00-18.30h SESSION I.5 Transport sector
Chair: Regine Gerike, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
"One path for a greenhouse gas neutral energy supply in the transport sector": Peter Kasten, Öko-Institut e.V. - Institute for Applied Ecology, Germany
One path for a greenhouse gas neutral energy supply in the transport sector
"Diversified challenges for the energy transition in the transport sector", Martin Schmied, INFRAS, Switzerland
Diversified challenges for the energy transition in the transport sector
"Power-to-liquid as a new energy option – potentials and difficulties / uncertainties": Sebastian Becker, sunfire GmbH, Germany
Power-to-liquid as a new energy option – potentials and difficulties / uncertainties
17.00-18.30h SESSION I.6 Agriculture & Food
Vorsitz: Markus Gandorfer, Chair: Markus Gandorfer, Technical University of Munich, Germany
"GHG Abatement potentials in the agricultural sector - how to achieve an emission ceiling of 35 Mio t CO2e?": Annette Freibauer, Bernhard Osterburg, Thünen Institute, Germany
GHG Abatement potentials in the agricultural sector - how to achieve an emission ceiling of 35 Mio t CO2e?
"Climate impact of food losses along the supply chain": Gerold Hafner, Stuttgart University, Germany
"Climate relevance of food – which changes in societal values and consumer behavior are necessary?": Karl von Koerber, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Pre-dinner speech: "The German Energiewende – why our model can serve as a blueprint for other economies": Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister for the Environment, Germany