Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7174 hits:

Publikation | created on 26.10.2022 | changed on 26.10.2022

Cornerstones for a sustainable recovery program for Ukraine

This discussion paper presents the German Environment Agency's (UBA) initial considerations for a sustainable recovery program for Ukraine. The following principles should apply to the design of a recovery program: Integration of environmental, sustainability and economic policies; resilience; sufficiency; socially just design of reconstruction; ownership; learning orientation; solidarity; use... read more

Artikel | created on 19.05.2022 | changed on 23.04.2024

Deep-sea mining

The deep sea is one of the last regions on earth largely untouched by humans. The exploitation of mineral resources from deep-sea deposits could become more important due to rising metal prices and greater demand. read more

Publikation | created on 12.03.2020 | changed on 12.03.2020

Conference on Resource-Efficient Decarbonisation Pathways

At the RESCUE conference (“Resource-Efficient Pathways towards Greenhouse Gas Neutrality”), the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA) shared the results of a project to further explore the mutual dependencies and feedback loops between climate policies and associated resource requirements. Six different quantitative scenarios for Germany were modelled and analysed. These scenarios d... read more

Artikel | created on 06.06.2024 | changed on 25.06.2024

The Coronavirus Crisis as a Social and Scientific Challenge

The importance of sustainability and resilience - A reconstruction after the coronavirus crisis must be a transformation which strengthens the sustainability of the economy and society. The huge state interventions and investments to protect the economy which have been prompted in the short term by the coronavirus crisis must therefore be oriented towards the guiding concept of sustainability.... read more

Publikation | created on 20.03.2019 | changed on 20.03.2019

Challenges of Coal Transitions

Today more than 45 % of all energy-related CO2 emissions come from burning coal. Thus, reducing CO2 emissions from coal use is a necessity for reaching the targets of the Paris Agreement. This will not only pose challenges for coal consumers (restructuring of the energy system), but also for countries whose economy is strongly depending on the production of coal.This paper examines the role of... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment