Cover of the publication "Best-practice Cost Rates for Air Pollutants, Transport, Power Generation and Heat Generation, Annex B to Methodological Convention 2.0", with the logo of the Umweltbundesamt and a background photo of a pen, a calculator & charts
Economy | Consumption

Methodological Convention 2.0 for Estimates of Environmental Costs, Annex B

Annex B: Best-practice Cost Rates for Air Pollutants, Transport, Power Generation and Heat Generation

Annex B to the Methodological Convention 2.0 for Estimates of Environmental Damage contains UBA’s recommendations for best-practice cost rates for greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants and, based on this, estimates of the environmental costs of transport and of power and heat generation. The recommendations are based in large part on results of the research project “Estimation of Environmental Externalities and Proposals for Internalising Costs in Selected Policy Areas” conducted on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency.

Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Sylvia Schwermer, Philipp Preiss, Wolf Müller
Other languages
File size
3084 KB
0,00 €
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