Cover of the publication "Economic Valuation Methods" with the logo of the Umweltbundesamt, in the background a photo of a chart, a calculator and a pen lying on a table
Economy | Consumption

Methodological Convention 2.0 for Estimates of Environmental Costs, Annex A

Annex A: Economic Valuation Methods

Annex A of the Methodological Convention 2.0 describes the methods for estimating environmental costs and makes recommendations for the choice of methods, differentiating between tangible environmental damage, which can be directly expressed in monetary units, and intangible damage, for which the value attached to it or its avoidance must first be determined. Tangible environmental damage – e. g., production losses – can under certain circumstances be evaluated by market prices. For determining intangible environmental damage costs, methods of indirect evaluation of willingness to pay for environmental goods and direct evaluation methods are presented. Finally, Annex A gives recommendations regarding the question of how existing environmental cost estimates can be applied to a new valuation problem (“benefit transfer”).

Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Sylvia Schwermer
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File size
367 KB
0,00 €
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 environmental economic valuation  environmental damage  environmental cost