Leisure activities are important for our well-being and quality of life. We meet friends, pursue our hobbies or go travelling. These activities are linked to the use of natural resources. This project analyses the consumption of raw materials and greenhouse gases and develops a framework for action for a resource-efficient and climate-friendly leisure sector. read more
Waste | Resources
One of the UBA’s main goals is to reduce resource use along with the environmental impact of such use as a whole and across the entire value chain. Against this backdrop, cutting back on waste and using it as a source of secondary raw materials and energy can make a significant contribution to resource conservation in the guise of resource friendly manufacturing processes, products and usage modalities.
Sparing and efficient use of natural resources is crucial not only from an ecological standpoint, but is also a major economic and social challenge. Hence resource conservation and resource policy constitute an inter-disciplinary field encompassing myriad strategies and stakeholders. This in turn means that we need to define a carefully constructed policy mix with just the right instruments for the tasks at hand. And this is where the UBA comes in. We devise concepts aimed at enshrining resource conservation in environmental policy along the entire value chain, beginning with raw material extraction, product design, the commercial and usage phases, and finally recycling and disposal. We also place great emphasis on informing and networking with the general public, business leaders and policymakers, and on the elaboration of ambitious objectives and the instruments needed to achieve them. Developing waste management, which is now primarily a disposal oriented activity, into a raw materials oriented recycling system is also taking on ever growing importance for us.
Online platform DIVID of the Single-Use Plastics Fund now also enables registration of claimants and foreign manufacturers
The Single-Use Plastic Fund Act passed on 15 May 2023 obliges manufacturers, from 2024, to bear the costs of single-use plastic products collected as waste in streets or parks. read more
Statistics concerning transfrontier shipment of waste
German government statistics concerning transfrontier shipment of wastes show that such transactions mainly involve neighboring countries, with the lion’s share of waste originating from the relevant border regions. The mean transport distance between the location at which waste originates and its recovery or disposal destination is less than 500 kilometers. read more
29 municipalities honoured for their exemplary organic waste collection
On May 14, 2024 at the IFAT trade fair in Munich, Bettina Hoffmann, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Environment Ministry, honoured several local authorities for their commitment to better organic waste collection. read more
Online platform DIVID of the Single-Use Plastics Fund launched
The Single-Use Plastics Fund Act, passed on 15 May 2023, obliges manufacturers to bear the costs for the collection of their single-use plastic products when discarded as waste in streets or parks from 2024. The German Environment Agency is setting up the digital platform DIVID to manage and process the levies that companies must pay into the Single-Use Plastic Fund. read more
NonHazCity 3 Building Award: Policies for non-hazardous buildings
NonHazCity 3 is a European project under the framework of the EU Interreg Program for the Baltic Sea Region. The project aims to reduce hazardous substances in the construction sector and to support circular construction. A NonHazCity Building Award will be given to celebrate the most effective laws and policies for non-hazardous buildings – nominations are welcome! Deadline is the 15th June 2024. read more
Waste prevention
Waste prevention conserves resources and protects people and the environment. It is therefore a primary goal of the circular economy. In 2013, the Waste Prevention Program with the participation of the federal states was adopted. It was drawn up with support of the German Environment Agency. The waste prevention program was reviewed in 2019 and updated in 2021. read more
Current recycling review: Successes, failures and challenges
Immer mehr Verpackungen sind hochgradig recyclingfähig, die gesetzlichen Recyclingziele werden von den dualen Systemen überwiegend erreicht. Im Jahr 2022 kam es aber auch zu gravierenden Verfehlungen der gesetzlichen Quotenvorgaben. Was es noch braucht, welche Herausforderungen bestehen und wie diese zu meistern sind, haben die ZSVR und das UBA auf einer Pressekonferenz in Berlin erläutert. read more