Nuremberg climate adaptation: Summer in the city - Effectively combating climate change

The second largest city in Bavaria, Nuremberg has around 504,000 inhabitants and, with its current positive population trend and forecast future increases, is a growing municipality.
Particularly in the summer months, Nuremberg is faced with the phenomenon of urban heat islands. As a compact city with an intensively developed city centre, it experiences increasingly frequent heat stress as the number of hot and dry periods increases. The urban structure includes very few fresh air corridors. In addition, the inward flow of air is hampered by the topographical position in the Central Franconian Basin.
As a result, the model project has focused on two city centre areas with different town planning characteristics:
These districts, which will be particularly susceptible to climate effects due to being intensively development and highly sealed, also represent very differing requirements in terms of the options for action and the risks. The old town is a protected grouping of monuments, and cautious measures are needed to preserve its historic structure as an attractive place to live, work and stay, while the West of the city provides extensive disused land as a result of structural change.
The model project has addressed the following issues:
Objectives: The aim of the Nuremberg model project was to draw up a targeted city adaptation and response strategy for climate change. This should primarily contribute to a sustainable improvement in the local climatic situation.
The German Meteorological Office (DWD, Senior federal authority in the BMVBS) is providing the required climate data for all Urban Climate projects as a basis for climate effect estimates.
temperature threshold days, heat extremes, dry periods
The focus is on the health effects of temperature increases and more summer days, as well as increasing hot and dry periods, in cities (including associations with demographic change).
Not analysed: In both model areas, the impact of climate effects as well as opportunities, risks and potential actions were analysed.
The aim of the adaptation strategy to be developed was to formulate adaptation measures based on the examples of the Nuremberg old town and West city areas. In addition, concrete options for implementing the strategy will be integrated into the Nuremberg climate protection timetable and ongoing planning processes. The adaptation and response strategy should also include establishment, recognition and upgrading of the relevant of climate change in the city's political and public discourse. Specific measures and actions, along with implementation proposals, were drawn up particularly in the areas of urban development, landscape planning and construction. Public involvement was the central area of activity. The aim was to raise awareness of the issue among particularly affected population groups. Adaptation measures include green and open space planning with new shady areas, green roofing, fresh air corridors and drinking water points.
Ministry of Transport, Construction and Urban Development (BMVBS) and Federal Institute of Construction, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR): KlimaExWoSt - StadtKlima
Research assistance: Department of Geography, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Environment Agency in Nuremberg, BPW office baumgart + partner Urban and Regional Planning, Office plan + risk consult
Environmental Office Nuremberg, city internal, interdepartmental border AG climate changel, German Weather Service (DWD), The nature conservation
Stadt Nürnberg
Lina-Ammonstr. 28
D-90471 Nürnberg