Climate Proof Areas

Climate is unmistakably changing and it is necessary to prepare for it. To ensure a safe, natural and wealthy future, adapting land to the changing conditions is one of the greatest challenges in the North Sea region.
Objectives: The aim of the project is to develop strategies and concepts for adaptation to the potential impacts of climate change in different regions of the southern North Sea region. This is based on pilot projects in the partner countries having different focuses. Each of their results will be used as "best practice" examples and be included into recommendations for transnational adaptation strategies. In addition, a portfolio of possible approaches to climate change adaptation for the southern North Sea region will be developed and provided.
Belgium, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have joined forces in this project. Scientists, water experts and civil servants from all five partners are developing new innovative and sustainable methods to help render ten threatened areas climate proof. Within every project local governments and inhabitants are involved to make sure various local threats and problems will be taken into account. Focusing on local environment and economic opportunities and sharing this information between European partners means Climate Proof Areas will provide lessons for everybody. Soon, Climate Proof Areas will help to adapt regions for a better future.
The project is structured in 5 work packages:
There are four project areas in the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands, two in the German district of Wesermarsch, one in the Swedish town Arvika and three in Great-Britain. Each area is unique and remarkable and threatened by rising water levels.
The German pilot projects in the Lower Saxony district Wesermarsch are located in the rural hinterland (Water boards Butjadingen, Stadland and Jade) and the urban area Braker Sielacht. In the following, results for the German pilot areas are presented.
Sea level rise projections are based on the IPCC (4th Assessment Report 2007) and Rahmstorf (2007). In addition, water level changes in the regional mean high tide and the tidal range from historical data are taken into account. The regional climate model WETTREG is used as well (especially for the emissions scenario A1B).
Drainage, wind speed, sunshine, evaporation
in decades 1961-2100
protection of coastal regions, agricultural drainage and watering, drinking water supply, urban water management, changes in land use
Adaptive Capacity: the capacity of the water management for watering and drainage will be analyzed. The sensitivity of the historic way of utilization in the region will be considered.
Urgency and needs for adaption measures arise from the specific location of Wesermarsch (water from all sides: Jade Bay in the west, Lower Weser and Hunte on the east and south, the North Sea to the north).
In order to develop adaptation strategies, considerations and assumptions concerning the future use of the region are necessary. This can be done by developing in a general vision for spatial planning for example. In the context of the so-called Regional Forum in Wesermarsch ideas have been collected regarding the general orientation of the district for the year 2050. This was done with the participation of regional actors revealing the following basic points:
This vision for the county Wesermarsch for the year 2050 provides the framework for possible adaptation options in terms of technical measures and alternative concepts of land utilization. Regional actors are therefore particularly interested in the preservation of the existing overall appearance of the landscape.
Conflicts related to land and water use will be discussed within the Regional Forum Wesermarsch
Interreg IVb North Sea Region Programme; funded by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund
Province of Zeeland, Netherlands; The Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is co-ordinator of Work Package 3 (adapting policy recommendations and mobilizing political support) and represents the German partnership
Climate Proof Areas relies on the collaboration of various partners. In every project numerous stakeholders are involved from neighbours and local authorities to international renowned scientists.
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
D-26129 Oldenburg