Cluster Cross-sectional activities carried out at Federal level

The image is directed towards the sky against the sun and shows a circle of ten stretched hands in a circle.Click to enlarge
Cross-sectional activities carried out at Federal level
Source: Photograph: © Tom Bayer /

2019 Monitoring Report on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change

Cross-sectional activities carried out at Federal level

The adaptation to the impacts of climate change is a challenge which individuals, authorities and organisations have to face at nearly all levels of social, political and economic life. The impacts of climate change and any activities already initiated in respect of DAS Action Areas have been illustrated and explained in the chapters above. Apart from informative and planning measures, these chapters also covered tangible operational activities and how they were financed. These explanations make it clear that the adaptation process is the remit of a great variety of authorities and individuals involved at governmental and non-governmental level. Dependent on the relevant action area, the Federal Government is responsible for various tasks and options available for guiding and supporting the adaptation process and developments within the federal system.

The Federal Government’s 2011 Adaptation Action Plan (APA I) and the 2015 Adaptation Action Plan (APA II) both submitted an overview of the specific tasks involved in the adaptation process. APA I contained a breakdown of the activities required in the three national cross-sectional strategic pillars. Accordingly, one major responsibility of Federal Government is to communicate the existing knowledge regarding climate change and the adaptation process required, to inform citizens and other important stakeholders thus enabling them to respond in a targeted manner. Other options for action by Federal Government arise from nationwide frameworks such as legal regulations, standards or the enhancement of support programmes. In some respects Federal Government can also set examples by implementing adaptation measures within the realm of its own real estate. This is true for example in respect of federal buildings and infrastructures or the federal forest. Relevant activities have already been discussed above in connection with action areas. Supplementary to the three national pillars there is an additional pillar for international projects and activities undertaken by the Federal Government in respect of its international responsibilities. In this respect, relevant policies are in many cases ‘bundled’ under the Adaptation Framework as part of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change. The monitoring indicators regarding cross-sectional activities provide information on cross-sectional activities categorised under the four strategic pillars.



Will we get to grips with climate change? (HUE-1)

Informing the public – an important task at Federal level (HUE-2)

Promotion of research and development regarding climate change impacts and adaptation (HUE-3)

Municipalities are important stakeholders (HUE-4)

The need for adaptation is a global challenge (HUE-5)

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 adaptation to climate change  KomPass  monitoring report  cross-field of action