- 425 content found -
- Project no.
3724 510097Environmental Education - transnational - to - Project no.
3724 650001Nature Conservation and Biodiversity - Kosovo - toFeasibility study for the establishment of a centre for eco-logical education and research in Kosovo
- Project no.
3723 580001Nature Conservation and Biodiversity - toCapacity development for the establishment of the Dilijan Biosphere Reserve in Armenia
- Project no.
3723 580001Nature Conservation and Biodiversity - Armenia - toCapacity development for the establishment of the Dilijan Biosphere Reserve in Armenia
- Project no.
129743/3723 1785 08 & 09Nature Conservation and Biodiversity - transnational - toKlaus Töpfer Fellowship-Programme for Future Leaders in Nature Conservation in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
- Project no.
3724 510098