Sewage sludge management in Bulgaria

Source: INTECUS GmbH
As part of the Advisory Assistance Programme funded by the German Environment Ministry, Germany advised Bulgaria in detail on an environmentally sound utilisation of sewage sludge.
As part of the Advisory Assistance Programme funded by the German Environment Ministry, Germany advised Bulgaria in detail on an environmentally sound utilisation of sewage sludge.
Outdated planning instruments, namely the national plan for management of sewage sludge from municipal waste water treatment plants and a guideline for operators of waste water treatment plants on the preparation of sewage sludge utilisation plans, were brought into line with the requirements of EU legislation and adapted to the specific circumstances in Bulgaria. These documents were supplemented with practical guidelines on sewage sludge utilization.
At a final workshop in October 2013, the Bulgarian Environment Ministry and professionals from all provinces expressed their satisfaction with the project outcomes. The documents developed offer a sound basis for decision-making on waste water treatment and sewage sludge utilization options which are up to date in political, legal, methodological and technical respects and adapted to national circumstances.