


Our waters are used in a variety of ways, these influence their status. The results of the monitoring of the EC Water Framework Directive show it needs forceful measures in the whole catchment and at the rivers to meet the good status. read more


Nutrients in watercourses

Nitrogen and phosphorus are nutrients for aquatic plants (algae, macrophytes). Their high concentration causes excessive growth especially of algae (Eutrophication). Rivers transport nitrogen and phosphorus into lakes and North sea and Baltic sea and influence its nutrient concentration. read more

Soil | Land

Substances in the soil

Photo of soils in a glas.

Soil pollutants are ubiquitous. They stem from natural sources, factories, farming, transportation, and households. Deposits of such soil pollutants can seep into the groundwater or are uptaken by plants, they can pose an environmental and health risk. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment