
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Yachting in Antarctica

a private yacht in the Antarctic

Yachting expeditions to the Antarctic are an option for those with a taste for something a bit more adventurous, hands-on and in a more personal atmosphere. Journeys on commercial vessels which travel to the region every season are very popular. It is also a lifelong dream come true for owners of sailing or motor yachts to travel to Antarctica with their own boats. read more

Sustainability | Strategies | International matters


An appealing light blue iceberg floats in the nearly black water. The sky is gray and drab.

Roald Amundsen said, “We must not cease to remember with gratitude and admiration the first seafarers who navigated their ships through storms and fog to augment our knowledge of the land of ice in the south”. Since discovery of the Antarctic our knowledge of it has grown steadily, and so has our responsibility for this fragile ecosystem. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment