Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 13 hits:

Artikel | created on 08.01.2013 | changed on 15.04.2024

Research and development projects on nanomaterials

The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) is currently funding and guiding the research and development projects on nanomaterials and other advanced materials listed below. For more information on these projects please refer to the research database Umweltforschungsdatenbank UFORDAT in German and the corresponding number. read more

Artikel | created on 09.03.2012 | changed on 02.03.2016

CLP Regulation

The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) developed at UN level does not take effect directly. To be implemented in a binding way, it must be transposed into the national law of individual states or communities of states. In Europe, this has been done through the CLP Regulation. read more

Artikel | created on 31.05.2012 | changed on 10.03.2016

Stockholm Convention

The Stockholm Convention is an international environment agreement on the elimination or restriction of the production, use and release of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) read more

Artikel | created on 14.10.2014 | changed on 18.07.2022

Good to know about nanomaterials

The Federal Environment Agency supports an objective debate on the chances and risks which nanotechnology involves. It wants to help promote the opportunities nanotechnology offers for environment and health protection while at the same time evaluating and preventing its risks. read more

Artikel | created on 04.08.2013 | changed on 29.02.2024

Sustainable Chemistry

Mankind needs to transform its economy towards sustainability and a circular economy, because current development is leading us to exceed the planetary boundaries and thus threatening the future and well-being of mankind. read more

Artikel | created on 11.03.2014 | changed on 11.03.2014

Visiting and directions

Öffentliche Besichtigungen der FSA für Gruppen sind möglich. Bitte setzen sie sich mit unserem Sekretariat zwecks Terminabsprache in Verbindung.Eine Besichtigung der FSA ist für Gruppen ab 5 Personen nach Anmeldung möglich.StandardprogrammKurzvortrag und Besichtigung: Dauer ca. 90 min.Ergänzende Fachvorträge zu Projektthemen sind auf Wunsch möglich.Publikationen zur FSA, sofern nicht unter Pub... read more

Artikel | created on 17.04.2012 | changed on 13.02.2020


Nanotechnology involves research and development, production and processing of structures and materials on a nanometre scale. Nanotechnology deals with the production and application of processes and materials composed of structurally definable particles on a scale of about 100 nanometres (1 nm = 10-9 m) or less in at least one dimension. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment