Clean air today and in future: conference discussed approaches

mother and her little daughter by the sea sitting on a duneClick to enlarge
Clean air - one of the highest goods!
Source: lagom /

Efforts to reduce air pollution must continue on a wide scale to protect man and the environment. This became clear at the "Reine Luft" [Clean Air] conference which was hosted by the UBA in September 2013.

More than 150 experts discussed the challenges and approaches of future air pollution control policy on the occasion of the European Year of Air. Although there is widespread compliance with the limits on air pollution concentrations in Germany, it is not enough to adequately protect human health and the environment. Modern air pollution control requires integrative approaches – one approach is to take the issue into consideration and implement plans in concert with policies on noise protection, livestock management and climate protection.

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 air pollution control  air pollutant emission  air pollution abatement