
German Environmental Survey, GerES VI (2023-2024)

a colorful picture with many different faces

The German Environment Agency (UBA) conducts the German Environmental Survey for Adults, GerES VI (2023–2024) to collect information on the burden of the adult population in Germany with environmental pollutants. Samples of tap water, urine, blood, house dust, and indoor air are analysed along with information acquired by questionnaires during a home visit. read more


German Environmental Survey, GerES 2014-2017

Six children on a lawn sich in einer Kette bei den Händen gefasst und hüpfen lachend in die Luft

From 2014 to 2017, the German Environment Agency investigated the exposure of children and adolescent exposure to environmental influences in Germany. Families were selected to participate in the survey according to certain statistical criteria. They providedimportant insights into the health of today’s young generation – including a health check of the environmental impact on their children. read more

News on Health and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

UBA heads the set-up of an European Human Biomonitoring system

a blood sample is taken from a woman

The EU Commission is providing funding worth more than 74 million euros to the “European Human Biomonitoring Initiative – HBM4EU” project to harmonize and align the database on human biomonitoring in the EU Member States and to enhance our understanding of the health impact of exposure to pollution. The aim is to consolidate existing data and to implement joint research projects. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment