Site contamination and soil conservation services, plus additional information read more
competent authority
Soil | Land
What do I need to be aware of if I’m considering a real estate purchase?
Soil | Land
The authorities have instructed me to carry out investigations and cleanup measures for my property. What do I need to bear in mind in complying with this requirement?
Soil | Land
Where can I obtain assistance for legal, certification, and analytic matters pertaining to site contamination?
Soil | Land
Who should I contact concerning site contamination related matters?
Soil | Land
How can I find out whether a particular property is suspected of being contaminated?
Soil | Land
As a property owner, am I legally responsible for soil contamination that I did not cause? Who is liable in the event contamination that I myself did not cause is detected on my property?
Soil | Land
When it comes to liability for site contamination, do I need to be wary of commercial and industrial properties in general?