UMID - No.: 01/2023

Dear subscriber,
the new issue 01/2023 of the journal UMID - Environment and Human - Health Information service has been published.
Please note that the articles are in German, only english abstracts can be provided.
Main topic:
- Diclofenac: small effect for humans – big damage for the environment
Further articles:
- Occurrence and sources of PFAS in the environment and curren regulatory approaches
- Phthalates and the substitute DINCH – Main findings from HBM4EU
- Communication materials in the Europe-wide project HBM4EU
- Radon – an understimated risk? Result of a population survey
- How climate change affects UV radiation exposure and what the consequences will be
- Management of patients with sasonal allergic rhinitis: Diagnostic consideration of sensitization to non-frequent pollen allergens
Previous issues of UMID can be found in the journal's archive on our website.
Yours sincerely
Your UMID editorial team