Economy | Consumption

Resource-sparing production of polymer materials

Sub-task 05 - Final Report

Exemplary investigations into the status of practical realisation of integrated environmental protection in different industrial activities and development of general requirements;

The Federal Environmental Agency advertised the UFOPLAN project FKZ: 298 94 313 "Resource-sparing production of polymer materials taking polyolefine as an example" against the background of the importance of polymer materials in terms of value and quantity. New process technologies such as alternative synthesis processes and new catalyst concepts can be observed, above all though not least in the field of polyethylenes and polypropylenes. The globalization of markets and resulting cost pressure as well as statutory regulations and the self-obligation to treat the environment and its resources more responsibly, which can be summarised by keywords such as "responsible care" and "sustainable development", has meant that the chemicals industry is constantly having to further develop its processes.

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Project No. (FKZ)
298 94 313/05
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4877 KB
0,00 €
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