The report for industry and permitting authorities provides an overview of the best available techniques to prevent emissions of hazardous substances from the offshore wind industry into the marine environment during installation, operation and decommissioning. In addition to risk management through the use of proper procedures, timely inspection and knowledgeable personnel, the report identifies the technical measures and techniques that are currently available, tested and economically feasible, as well as the current legislative background. The areas covered are technical installation, storage, bunkering, fire protection, corrosion protection, discharges from open systems, antifouling, cleaning and substitution of hazardous substances.
Climate | Energy, Chemicals, Economy | Consumption, Water, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Overview of hazardous substances potentially emitted from offshore industries to the marine environment - Part 3: Best available techniques avoiding emissions into the marine environment from the offshore wind industry
Texte | 61/2024
Number of pages
Year of publication
Sonja Pans, Désirée Plenker
Project No. (FKZ)
3719 43 204 0
German Environment Agency
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