Worldwide, about half a million sites of companies and other organisations have an environmental management system according to ISO 14001. Against this background, it was examined how in future a systematic management of climate-related risks can be promoted or even ensured with standards for environmental management systems. To this end, several options were examined, such as an adaptation of ISO 14001 or a climate-specific addition to the ISO 14002 series. The results serve in particular, but not only, as a contribution to the discussion on the revision of ISO 14001. In addition, 40 EMAS environmental statements of medium-sized companies and public authorities were analysed for climate-related information according to TCFD.
Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Environmental management systems and climate risks
Analysis of standards for environmental management systems with regard to the management of climate-related risks and TCFD. Opportunities for the further development of ISO 14001 and EMAS.
Climate Change | 10/2022
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Year of publication
Ludwig Glatzner, Thomas Loew
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Project No. (FKZ)
3719 48 1030
German Environment Agency
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