Energy and transport poverty and vulnerability are a central building block in the debate around many energy and climate policy issues and have gained firm hold in EU directives, regulations and documents. National governments need to establish indicators for both energy and transport poverty and vulnerability, to fulfil reporting requirements to the EU and to develop and target suitable policies and measures. This report focuses specifically on those indicators and results relevant to the new EU emissions trading system covering buildings and road transport (ETS 2) and the Social Climate Fund (SCF). The goal of this study is to show the scope of options available to the Member States by identifying "vulnerability structures" related to home heating and transport.

Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption, Noise
Energy and transport vulnerability of households in the context of emissions trading: An analysis for 10 EU Member States
Climate Change | 47/2024
Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Johanna Cludius, Nelly Unger, Dr. Viktoria Noka, Dr. Katja Schumacher
Project No. (FKZ)
3721 42 506 0
German Environment Agency
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