The existing award criteria for the Blue Angel eco-label for textiles (DE-UZ 154) have been reviewed as part of a revision and, in addition to expanding and further specifying the scope, have been specifically further developed in individual requirement areas. The revision was carried out as part of the research project "Development and revision of the Blue Angel reward criteria for textiles" (FKZ 3720 37 302 0). The new award criteria were published in January 2023 as DE-UZ 154, January 2023 edition
Economy | Consumption, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Blue Angel eco-label for textiles
Background report on the revision of the Blue Angel award criteria for textiles (DE-UZ 154, January 2023 edition)
Texte | 75/2024
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Year of publication
Jennifer Teufel, Katja Moch, Siddharth Prakash, Andreas Köhler, Ismene Jäger, Christina Vogel, Ria Müller
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Project No. (FKZ)
3720 37 302 0
German Environment Agency
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