Cover of publication TEXTE 130/2020 Basic principles and recommendations for describing the dismantling, post-use, and disposal stage of construction products
Waste | Resources

Basic principles and recommendations for describing the dismantling, post-use, and disposal stage of construction products

A guidance document for the construction product industry and standardization bodies for the design of modules C and D in EPD and PCR

The guideline supports the committees for the European standardization of construction products (Product TCs, Technical Committees) in establishing rules for Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) according to EN 15804. The guideline helps developing uniform specifications for the end of the life cycle of construction products (modules C and D according to the above-mentioned standard).  The publication of modules C and D closes a considerable data gap that has so far hampered the consideration of recycling and resource aspects in the planning of buildings.

Texte | 130/2020
Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Wolfram Trinius, Julia Sievert, Dr. Eva Schmincke, Dr. Burkhart Lehmann, Frank Grootens, Nora Pankow, Andrea Undergutsch, Julia Goerke, Sarah Harms. Dr. Bastian Wittstock, Dr. Frank Werner, Prof. Dr. Thomas Lützkendorf, Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexander Passer, Susanne Bergius
Project No. (FKZ)
3714 95 309 0
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