Current Projects
Mapping of Empirical Critical Loads for Nitrogen - Different metrics to assess risks for biodiversity
The main objective of this call for data is to implement the recently revised and updated empirical critical loads of nitrogen (CLempN). The NFC data were applied to the EU receptor map and a classification of the NFC data into the CLempN value range was performed. The methodology and the results were recorded by the CCE in a report. This first report was in turn made available to the NFC. The first comment phase has now been completed. Before the report is published, it is planned to have it finally discussed by the TF ICP M&M.
update of the BGDB
The new receptor map is currently being updated and expanded to include the EECCA states & Turkey for SMB CL.
Both the data integration and the extension of the scope are ongoing.
This includes the classification of 219 classes (EUNIS system, up to detail level 3), the integration of soil data and the integration of forest growth data from EECCA. Completion of the calculation of the CL for eutrophication and acidification is planned by the end of 2024.
Completed Projects
Review and update of critical limits within the framework of critical load modeling for acidifying and eutrophying nitrogen
- Duration: 2021 - 2023
- Objective: Check the general need for updating the SMB CL modeling. Results will be used to keep the CL methodology up to date together with the NFCs of the ICP Modeling and Mapping.
- Contractor: Environment Agency Austria
- Contact person: Thomas [dot] scheuschner [at] uba [dot] de (Thomas Scheuschner)
Establish a harmonized land cover map for the entire Geneva Air Quality Convention region.
Review and revision of the empirical Critical Loads for Nitrogen (CLempN) for natural and semi-natural ecosystems
Steady-State Critical Loads for eutrophication and acidification for European terrestrial ecosystems
- Duration: November 2019 – February 2021
- Objective: The project aimed to improve the European background database used by the Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) to calculate Critical Loads (CLs) for eutrophication and acidification for (semi-) natural European terrestrial ecosystems. The database is used when member countries do not provide their own CL data to the CCE. In this case, the missing country data are replaced by the results of the background database when the CCE produces European CL maps. This report describes the (a) underlying datasets; (b) derivation of the input data for the CL model; (c) R packages and scripts developed; and (c) verification of the results. These results feed into international and national policy advice, e.g., they are an important input to the Gothenburg Protocol Review currently underway in the year 2021.
- Contractor: Wageningen Environmental Research
- Contact person: christin [dot] loran [at] uba [dot] de (Dr. Christin Loran)
- Final report available here: Critical loads for eutrophication and acidification for European terrestrial ecosystems (Annex A.2: Documentation of the R package BGDB)
Empirical Critical Loads: Literature Review
- Duration: September – December 2019
- Objective: In this project a literature review on empirical Critical Loads will be conducted. This serves as preliminary study for the subsequent update of the empirical Critical Loads.
- Contractor: Thuenen Institute
- Documents to download: Preliminary results, Minutes project meeting (02.12.2019)
- Contact person: Thomas [dot] scheuschner [at] uba [dot] de (Thomas Scheuschner)
- Duration: August – November 2019
- Objective: The internal workflow of the CCE regarding the calculation of Critical Loads and their exceedance with the statistic program R will be supported.
- Contractor: Braincourt GmbH
- Contact person: Thomas [dot] scheuschner [at] uba [dot] de (Thomas Scheuschner)
For more detailed information contact us at cce [at] uba [dot] de.