Environmental industry still a key economic factor
Competitive pressure grows, share of exports shrinks

Source: Michael Rosskothen / Fotolia.com
Environmental protection continues to be an important factor for Germany's economy. A new report by the German Environment Agency (UBA) on the 2015 environmental industry says that German environmental goods are in demand all around the world and in all areas of environmental protection. German businesses produced environmental protection goods worth more than 83 billion euros in 2015 but international competition growing. China has more than tripled its share of international trade in potential environmental goods since 2002, in particular through its production of solar energy systems, and it is now world champion in exports. Germany is in second place with a share of world trade of 13.5 per cent (China: 16.2 per cent). UBA President Maria Krautzberger said: "The global market for environmental protection goods is growing steadily, and in recent years especially in emerging economies in Asia, South America and now in Africa. Germany must be vigilant and not lose its current good market position. Environmental policy must now create the planning security for investors with the requisite long-term goals and the right economic conditions."