Some 98 per cent of the bathing waters in Germany fulfil the quality requirements of the European Bathing Water Directive. read more

Some 98 per cent of the bathing waters in Germany fulfil the quality requirements of the European Bathing Water Directive. read more
The German Environment Agency (UBA) is campaigning for rail freight noise reduction. Solutions include cladding train wheels and brakes to reduce noise directly at the source. Financial reward for quiet trains must be increased, for example with lower track access charges. read more
Diesel passenger cars exceed European limits for nitrogen dioxide (NOx) on roads at higher levels than previously thought. In 2016 emissions were assumed to be 575 mg NOx/km, but the diesel-fuelled passenger car fleet in Germany actually had average emissions of 767 mg NOx/km. These findings are based on new calculations done on behalf of the German Environment Agency (UBA). read more
Representative survey on environmental awareness by the Federal Ministry of Environment and UBA: 91 per cent said that life would be better if they did not have to depend on a car for mobility. read more
Many mine lakes have the potential to develop very good water quality and they are often cleaner than natural lakes. However, lignite remains the dirtiest of all sources of energy. In 2014 alone lignite caused environmental damage in the amount of 16.8 billion euros. A phase-out of lignite-fired electricity is urgently needed. read more
Complaints about low-frequency noise – the so-called humming phenomenon – have risen sharply in recent years. A new guide by UBA provides advice on the ideal installation of heat pumps and the like. read more
The air in Germany’s cities continued to have excessive levels of nitrogen dioxide pollution in 2016. This is according to an evaluation of preliminary measurements made by the federal states and the German Environment Agency. The threshold value of 40 micrograms per cubic metre on a yearly average was exceeded at about 57 per cent of all the measuring stations located near major thoroughfares. read more
Environmentally harmful subsidies in Germany continue to be in effect at an excessively high level and now total 57 billion euros, says a recent report by the German Environment Agency (UBA). More than 90 percent of these subsidies are a burden on the climate – and are therefore thwarting Germany's implementation of the Paris Agreement. read more