surface water structure


Indicator: Ecological status of transitional and coastal waters

A diagram shows the distribution of the ecological status/ecological potential of transitional and coastal waters for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea for the years 2010, 2015 and 2021. The target for 2027 is shown (100 % good or very good).

In 2021 no water body of transitional or coastal waters in the North and Baltic Seas achieved good or very good status.According to the European Water Framework Directive, by 2015 and with a deadline extension to 2027 all waters should have achieved at least a good ecological status.The time must now be used to reach the ambitious targets by 2027 at the latest.This will require considerable additi... read more

Indicator: Ecological status of rivers

A graph shows the distribution of the environmental status and potential of the rivers for the years 2015 and 2021. The target for 2027 is also shown (100 percent ‘good’ or ‘very good’). In 2021, 8 percent showed at least a good status or good potential.

In 2021 only around 8 % of German streams and rivers were in at least a good ecological status or had at least a good ecological potential.According to the European Water Framework Directive, by 2015 with a time extension to 2027 all rivers must have achieved at least a good ecological status or potential.The time up to 2027 must be used to reach these demanding targets.The measures taken to date... read more

Indicator: Ecological status of lakes

A graph shows the distribution of the environmental status and potential of the lakes for the years 2015 and 2021. The target for 2027 is also shown (100 percent ‘good’ or ‘very good’). In 2021, 24.7 percent showed at least a good status or good potential.

In 2021 24.7 % of the lakes in Germany were in at least good ecological status or showed at least a good ecological potential.According to the Water Framework Directive the target was 100 % by 2015. Now there is a deadline extension until 2027.Germany is still far from achieving this target. The timeframe until 2027 must be used to achieve these ambitious goals. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment