
Economy | Consumption

Odours from building products

a young woman takes a smell at one of different glass plungers which are set out in a row

Refurbishing is fun and it beautifies the home. However, hazardous substances frequently lurk in building products - joint sealants, paints and varnishes. Building products which outgas volatile organic compounds (VOC) and odours can be harmful to the health and well-being of the people who reside inside. Healthy indoor air is therefore a very important issue. read more


Ammonia, dust and odour emissions

Pigs on a meadow

Intensive livestock farming is a key agricultural sector in Germany, but one that unfortunately generates ammonia emissions, odours and dust that are hazardous to the environment and a nuisance to persons living in close proximity to livestock farms. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment