HAZBREF recommendations for chemical management in BREFs

What can you expect – some background

The aim of the online event is share and discuss findings and proposals of the INTERREG founded project “Hazardous industrial chemicals in the IED BREFs (HAZBREF)” with major stakeholders. The Agenda for the day can be found here.

The first part of the event will focus on presenting results from HAZBREF activities concerning the following topics:

  • Approaches to identify relevant hazardous substances for BREF reviews
  • Proposal for a more systematic method to address hazardous substances in the BREF-process, 
  • Recommendations for the management of chemicals in HAZBREF case sectors: Textile industry (TXT), Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics (STM) and Chemical industry (LVIC concerning fertilisers and POL concerning Polymers production)
  • Promoting non-toxic material cycles in the BREF process 

We will also hear presentations from HAZBREF stakeholders on how the project’s results can be implemented in practice and how chemical management aspects can be improved in BREFs. 

In the second part of the event we will also focus on the Implications of the Zero Pollution Ambition of the European Green Deal for the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) and how the BREF process can contribute to the goals of the European Green Deal.

The intention is to keep this online event as interactive as possible and to facilitate a discussion to exchange views and experiences among HAZBREF stakeholders. This event will allow participants to ask questions during the presentations via a chat function and also a possibility to contribute verbally to the discussions. 

Please register here for the event. More information on the web-seminar software and web-seminar house rules will be provided at a later stage for those who have registered to the event.


If you have any questions about the event, please do not hesitate to contact Kaj Forsius (Finnish Environment Institute, Kaj [dot] Forsius [at] ymparisto [dot] fi) or Michael Suhr (German Environment Agency, Michael [dot] suhr [at] uba [dot] de). 

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