Your search for "pfas" resulted in 164 hits:

News | created on 04.07.2023 | changed on 20.12.2023

The World Chemicals Conference – Why we need it

Chemicals are a major driver for global warming, biodiversity loss and pollution. Bold political action is urgently needed. The Fifth World Chemicals Conference (ICCM5) 25-29 September 2023 in Bonn/Germany is bound to set up a stronger policy framework for the sound management of chemicals at global level. read more

Publikation | created on 26.04.2022 | changed on 26.04.2022

Emerging and legacy organic contaminants in the polar regions

The report summarises and evaluates the current state of knowledge on organic contaminants in polar regions that have become significant concerns because of their persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity potential. Climate change can also alter the biogeochemical cycling of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and emerging organic contaminants (EOCs). The report concludes that continual monit... read more

Publikation | created on 13.12.2022 | changed on 13.12.2022

Food web on ice- Investigation of the bioaccumulation of chemicals in an exemplary food chain

Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) have been derived in a variety of different aquatic eco-systems worldwide to investigate accumulation patterns of environmentally relevant chemicals. Not only is the TMF interesting for chemicals’ risk assessment related questions, but also for monitoring aspects under the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). This study is the first TMF study con-ducte... read more

Dokument | created on 28.04.2021 | changed on 28.04.2021

Filling the gaps to better prioritize PMT/ vPvM substances under REACH- Hans Peter H. Arp

Artikel | created on 30.03.2022 | changed on 26.04.2022

Chemical contamination in the Antarctic

Contaminants can persist in the environment for a long time and be transported over long distances. They have even been detected in remote regions such as Antarctica. There, they can accumulate along the food chain and cause harmful effects in organisms. As a result, they pose a risk to the sensitive Antarctic ecosystems. read more

Artikel | created on 05.03.2024 | changed on 05.09.2024

Developing a concept for a Polar Environmental Monitoring Program

Monitoring pollution levels is of crucial importance for the protection of the Antarctic, for understanding global interrelationships and for shaping international environmental and chemicals policy. UBA has therefore launched an international research project to compile data from pollutant monitoring programs of selected Antarctic Treaty states. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment