Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 957 hits:

Dokument | created on 19.11.2020 | changed on 19.11.2020

Sustainability Transformation Conference 2020: Abstracts Panel 3

Artikel | created on 01.11.2019 | changed on 04.11.2019

RESCUE scenario GreenLate

GreenLate stands for „Germany – resource efficient and GHG neutral – late transition”. This scenario if characterized by delayed action and innovation towards greenhouse gas (GHG) neutrality. read more

Dokument | created on 29.11.2016 | changed on 29.11.2016

Resource Efficiency- Potential and Economic Implications

Dokument | created on 02.12.2014 | changed on 11.12.2014

Paul Ekins

Dokument | created on 20.11.2020 | changed on 10.12.2020

ERF 2020 Parallel session 2: Presentation Rovenskaya

Dokument | created on 01.12.2021 | changed on 01.12.2021

Introduction of a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in the EU

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment