Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7176 hits:

Pressemitteilung | created on 05.01.2022 | changed on 05.01.2022

Emissions trading 2021: record revenues in Germany exceeding 12 billion euros

The EU Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) generated 5.3 billion euros for Germany through auctioning in 2021, a sum double that in 2020. An additional 7.2 billion euros was generated through sales of certificates in the new national emissions trading system (nEHS), which came into effect in 2021 and targets the heat and transport sectors. read more

Daten zur Umwelt: Artikel | created on 28.07.2017 | changed on 04.04.2024

Indicator: Primary energy consumption

Primary energy consumption (PEC) in Germany has fallen significantly since the end of the 2000s. It fell by 25 % between 2008 and 2023.According to the Energy Efficiency Act of 2023, PEC is to be reduced by 39% by 2030 compared to 2008.The 'Projection Report 2023' by the German Environment Agency indicates that the measures taken so far will likely be insufficient to achieve these targets.The ... read more

Publikation | created on 22.11.2018 | changed on 23.11.2018

Entwicklung eines quantitativen Modells „Nachhaltiges Deutschland“ – Band 3: Das D3 EE Modell zur Energiewende und ihren Auswirkungen auf Rohstoffinanspruchnahme und Volkswirtschaft

Das D3-EE_Modell ist ein system-dynamisches Modell zur Simulation der Machbarkeit und den Nebenwirkungen einer Energiewende in Deutschland. Das D3 EE Modell erlaubt basierend auf System Dynamics und Prozessen mit Constraints (ToC) den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien zu simulieren und eine Bilanz der Rohstoffe (Einsparung fossiler, Nutzung von Materialien für die Anlagen) aufzustellen. Es gibt... read more

Dokument | created on 20.11.2020 | changed on 10.12.2020

ERF 2020 Opening session: Presentation Bruyninckx

Artikel | created on 26.11.2018 | changed on 04.11.2019

RESCUE scenarios GreenEe1 and GreenEe2

The two GreenEe scenarios stand for “Germany – resource efficient and greenhouse gas neutral – Energy efficiency” and focus on the implementation of energy efficiency measures across all sectors. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment