Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 916 hits:

Dokument | created on 26.11.2020 | changed on 10.12.2020

ERF 2020 Plenary session II: Presentation Potocnik

Dokument | created on 09.12.2020 | changed on 09.12.2020

ERF 2020 Parallel session 12: Presentation Masseck

Artikel | created on 19.04.2024 | changed on 25.06.2024

Perspectives of sustainable and crisis-proof cities in the

‘More local, public and agile, the cornerstones of a resilient post-Corona city’ The shutdown of public and economic life; the rediscovery of what is really ‘systemically relevant’; new forms of community spirit and of generations; read more

Artikel | created on 03.05.2024 | changed on 04.09.2024


Geoengineering, climate engineering, climate intervention or climate altering technologies - even if new terms are constantly being found, they do not change the fact that has been known for decades: climate modification approaches harbor major risks for environment and society. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment