Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 800 hits:

Dokument | created on 09.12.2020 | changed on 10.12.2020

ERF 2020 Plenary session I: Presentation La Camera

Dokument | created on 20.11.2020 | changed on 10.12.2020

ERF 2020 Opening session: Presentation Bruyninckx

News | created on 18.12.2023 | changed on 18.12.2023

Climate protection is also possible without nuclear energy

A recent analysis of global climate scenarios commissioned by the German Environment Agency shows that nuclear energy is not necessary to achieve the climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement. Instead, it is the rapid and targeted expansion of renewable energies that is crucial to advancing climate protection and the energy transition. read more

News | created on 19.09.2023 | changed on 21.09.2023

OECD handbook reinforces environmental protection in raw material

The new OECD Handbook on Environmental Due Diligence in Mineral Supply Chains is a milestone for environmental protection in global value chains. For the first time, a clear description is given of how companies can identify, assess and prioritise environmental issues at the beginning of their global supply chains and take measures to prevent, mitigate or find solutions to arising problems. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment