Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 56 hits:

Publikation | created on 27.11.2015 | changed on 20.11.2018

Bausteine eines Konzepts transformativer Umweltpolitik

Moderne Gesellschaften unterliegen einem laufenden Wandel. Wir sprechen von „Transformationen“, wenn Veränderungen in Kultur, Werten, Technologien, Infrastrukturen, Produktion, Konsum und Politik ineinander greifen und sich wechselseitig verstärken. In der Folge werden gesellschaftliche Bedürfnisse (nach Mobilität, Wohnen, Kommunikation, Ernährung etc.) anders – im besten Falle: umweltfreundli... read more

Publikation | created on 14.08.2017 | changed on 19.07.2018

UBA builds answers

With this flyer, we want to present you some interesting facts and figures about our building project: a positive energy building in Dessau. For example the key project data, the architectural and the energy concept, the construction materials, the landscaping and the Percent for Art. read more

Publikation | created on 30.08.2010 | changed on 19.07.2018

The geothermal heat exchanger at the building of the Federal Environmental Agency in Dessau

The geothermal heat exchanger consists of three fields in the western and one larger field in the southern part of the site. They form a subterranean system of pipes with a total length of almost 5 km, through which air flows. Outside air enters the system via three intake structures on the western side of the building. After passage through the heat exchanger pipes, the air is fed to four air... read more

Publikation | created on 30.05.2018 | changed on 18.07.2018

Flyer: Water Resource Management in Germany

The brochure „Water Resource Management in Germany” offers a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals, pressures and measures of German Water Resource Management. The accompanying flyer presents in short the essential facts and data on available water resources, water uses, status of waterbodies, water supply and water disposal as well as on relevant legislation. read more

Publikation | created on 30.08.2010 | changed on 19.07.2018

The building's architecture

Flyer for the offices of the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau. Visitors who wish to be fully informed about the architectural and environmental design of the new building and head to the atrium can join one of the guided tours. read more

Publikation | created on 03.04.2012 | changed on 19.07.2018

The energy concept of the Federal Environment Agency´s office building in Dessau

The new office building of the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA) was erected as a model project for sustainable building with very ambitious goals. In order to significantly reduce the consumption of fossil energy sources, the energy demand of the building to be constructed had to be as low as possible to allow sustainable operation. The prime prerequisite for minimizing the en... read more

Publikation | created on 09.01.2015 | changed on 18.07.2018

Emission Balance of Renewable Energy Sources in 2014 (Flyer)

Calculations for the year 2014 show that the expansion of renewable energies contributes substantially to achieving national climate goals in Germany. Over all energy sectors (i.e. electricity, heat and transport) fossil fuels are increasingly replaced by renewable energies thereby permanently avoiding energy related emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutants. In 2014, GHG-emission... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment