Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 31 hits:

Artikel | created on 23.01.2014 | changed on 17.09.2019

Rebound effects

Efficiency increase oftentimes reduces product or service costs, which can in turn ramp up consumption (due to reduced prices), thus partly canceling out the original savings. This is known as the rebound effect. read more

Artikel | created on 16.01.2014 | changed on 05.04.2016


Disposing of waste at landfill sites should be regarded as the last resort for waste management and should only be done for non-recyclable waste. Such waste is disposed of in Germany at secure landfill sites, whose landfill must exhibit specific properties, depending on landfill site class. To this end, the waste is treated prior to being deposited, insofar as necessary. read more

Artikel | created on 14.01.2014 | changed on 15.01.2021

Notification procedure

Transfrontier shipments of non-green-listed wastes are subject to a prior written notification and consent procedure. This also applies to wastes for which a permit is required. read more

Artikel | created on 14.01.2014 | changed on 20.08.2024

Statistics concerning transfrontier shipment of waste

German government statistics concerning transfrontier shipment of wastes show that such transactions mainly involve neighboring countries, with the lion’s share of waste originating from the relevant border regions. The mean transport distance between the location at which waste originates and its recovery or disposal destination is less than 500 kilometers. read more

Artikel | created on 13.01.2014 | changed on 15.04.2020

Transfrontier shipment of wastes

As late as the mid 1970s, hazardous waste has been disposed of illegally in Germany and abroad. This scandalous situation prompted a worldwide desire to ban or control transfrontier waste shipments. The ensuing lengthy political process resulted in a complex system of regulations at the national, European and international level. read more

Artikel | created on 14.01.2014 | changed on 12.09.2022

Information requirements

Green-listed wastes can be shipped transfrontier without written consent. Such movements must be documented using the form “Consignment Information”, insofar as not otherwise stipulated by Regulation (EU) No. 1418/2007. read more

Artikel | created on 17.09.2013 | changed on 02.08.2019

Resource use and its consequences

There’s no doubt about it: resource use is freighted with consequences. It inevitably generates emissions and other untoward environmental effects across the entire lifecycle of each and every product. Moreover, growing resource scarcity and fluctuating raw materials prices are provoking severe economic disruption and social unrest. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment