Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 10 hits:

News | created on 12.10.2023 | changed on 13.10.2023

Climate protection through Circular Economy in Germany and the EU

For the EU27 and Germany, the climate protection potential of the circular economy was examined for municipal waste, industrial & commercial, construction & demolition and food waste for 2017 and 2030 using the life cycle assessment method. The study shows the sector's GHG mitigation potential, including food waste prevention, in the context of the EU legal framework and the energy tran... read more

News | created on 21.01.2022 | changed on 28.07.2022

UBA: fossil gas and nuclear power are not sustainable

The European Commission’s draft delegated act to include fossil gas and nuclear power in the EU Taxonomy would prevent the Taxonomy from being an effective transparency tool for the financial markets, the German Environment Agency says. The draft labels as “sustainable” a large amount of GHG emissions from fossil gas, and nuclear power producing high-level nuclear waste. read more

News | created on 05.05.2015 | changed on 05.05.2015

Phasing out the flame retardant HBCD

For a long time the chemical hexabromocyclododecane, or HBCD, was the most economically significant flame retardant used in polystyrene foam for insulation materials. Our background paper, also available in English, provides answers to the most important questions concerning the phase-out. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment