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News | created on 18.11.2015 | changed on 10.11.2017

Mixed picture of the state of the environment in Germany

The German Environment Agency has published its Data on the Environment 2015 report. Action is needed with regard to greenhouse gases, raw material efficiency and nutrient pollution, good news in recycling and drinking water quality. read more

News | created on 25.06.2020 | changed on 25.06.2020

“My Indicator Report“ with current data on the environment

Air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, nitrate in groundwater or organic farming - the "Data on the Environment" provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the environment, the polluters and starting points for measures. With the new indicator report, an individual report can now be compiled online from a total of 50 different environmental indicators and downloaded as a PDF. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment