Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 46 hits:

Artikel | created on 31.03.2021 | changed on 17.12.2021

Accelerating global climate action by 2030

A research project for the German Environment Agency investigates options for multilateral initiatives of G20 countries to close the climate ambition gap between insufficient current policies and contributions and the goals of the Paris Agreement by 2030. The policy fields energy transition, synthetic e-fuels, sustainable food systems and forest protection are at the spotlight of the analysis. read more

Artikel | created on 11.06.2013 | changed on 08.03.2024

Renewable energies in figures

Up-to-date and quality controlled data on the development of renewable energies in Germany are an important basis for the evaluation of Germany’s energy transition. The Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat) provides these data for international reporting obligations as well the interested public. read more

Artikel | created on 16.11.2018 | changed on 25.06.2020

RESCUE – Resource-Efficient Pathways to Greenhouse-Gas-Neutrality

In the RESCUE project, the German Environment Agency (UBA) explores the nexus between climate protection and associated resource requirements. Using six scenarios, different development paths are explored and insights gained on how to reduce future resource use and greenhouse-gas emissions in Germany. read more

Artikel | created on 26.11.2018 | changed on 04.11.2019

RESCUE scenarios GreenEe1 and GreenEe2

The two GreenEe scenarios stand for “Germany – resource efficient and greenhouse gas neutral – Energy efficiency” and focus on the implementation of energy efficiency measures across all sectors. read more

Artikel | created on 21.10.2019 | changed on 15.03.2023

Germany’s System for Guarantees of Regional Origin (GRO)

The new Registry of guarantees of regional origin (RNR) makes it possible to issue regional GOs for electricity that has been financially supported according to the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). RN-certificates show in which installation (e.g. a wind farm) an amount of electricity has been produced. Electricity suppliers can thus offer their customers regional electricity products. read more

Artikel | created on 03.05.2024 | changed on 04.09.2024


Geoengineering, climate engineering, climate intervention or climate altering technologies - even if new terms are constantly being found, they do not change the fact that has been known for decades: climate modification approaches harbor major risks for environment and society. read more

Artikel | created on 28.10.2021 | changed on 06.06.2024

The Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement

The Global Stocktake assesses the collective progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement every five years. The first Global Stocktake concluded in 2023 with a decision at COP28 on the way forward to increase action and support to effectively address climate change. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment